Online Pedophilia

Cyber Crime: Online Pedophilia and Child Abuse

Pedophilia and Violence Against Women — What is the punishment for these attackers?

Cyber crime: Online pedophilia and child abuse are some of the concerns that we’ll be adressing here, because they’re undoubtedly two of the worst crimes committed by human beings, if not the worst ones.

We know that the current conditions in the business world need to be reinvented by all female entrepreneurs, but not only business, but also the way to act against violence against themselves and their children.

It is notorious that the COVID-19 pandemic that settled in Brazil and the rest of the world brought many points to be questioned, discussed and reinvented from the moment we had to stay inside our enclosures.

And one of the points we will address here is the issue of cybercrime linked to online paedophilia and child abuse.

Pedophilia according to the prosecutor’s office of the Federal District

“It is a disease, a deviation of sexuality, which leads an adult to feel sexually attracted to children and adolescents in a compulsive and obsessive way, which can lead to sexual abuse.”

According to some data collected from the newspaper Gazeta do Povo on May 20, 2020 —

Alert to Parents: Virtual pedophilia increases in Brazil amid the pandemic.
National Ombudsman for Human Rights shows a 30% increase in domestic violence cases since the state of public disaster was decreed in Brazil. And despite not having numerical data yet, the Cyber Crimes Police of Paraná points out that there was also an increase in cases of cybercrimes, such as child sexual exploitation on the internet, during the pandemic.”

“The National Secretariat of the Rights of Children and Adolescents developed some actions to combat paedophilia during the period of social detachment. According to Secretary Maurício Cunha, abusers are everywhere, so in addition to the traditional channels for complaints such as Dial 100, 180 and websites, the ministry also launched an application called Human Rights Brazil, already available for IOS and Android systems”.

It is known that there are several ways to look for help in this situation, from the conventional form of denunciation, where the victim goes to the responsible corporation that receivea the complaint and collect evidences; to dialing specielized numbers to complain about this crimes, but are they really efficient and in fact assure the citizen’s needs?

Of couse not! And why can we affirm that? Why are there so many unpunished or unsolved cases?

In the current pandemic scenario, violence against women grew 22% in April and May, and this number may be even greater if it accounts for all formal complaints and those that could not be done due to the presence of their attackers.

We can note in the table below the data on violence against women between 2017 and 2018. Still in this table are not the years 2019 and the current year 2020 which these figures may be even larger.

Violência Contra a Mulher
Dados de Violência Contra a Mulher

Violence Against Women Data

Unfortunately, we’re aware that it’s just numbers, and from these numbers how many cases will actually be solved?

We know that most or almost all of these crimes the attackers have gone or will be unpunished because we have as an example the case of Maria (I will call our friend Maria in honor of law Maria da Penha).

The case of Maria is unfortunately one of so many or many unsolved cases.

Maria is a mother, entrepreneur and we can mention her as a woman’s example.

This mother fights no less than 4 years to put her daughter’s aggressor behind bars, as this young woman was the victim of child sexual violence and the attacker continues to be at large practicing online pedophilia (the aggressor creates fake profiles in the playroom to attract children and adolescents in order to get close to other victims).

Even she has been waiting for four long years for justice for her daughter, Maria does not give up and will not stop fighting for all the damage done to her daughter. She has visited countless times the bodies responsible for the cases of her daughter and so many other Marias and even there is no necessary support and concrete response, Maria does not give up!

According to her, she has spent very difficult days with her daughter, as the young woman is in psychological treatment and has had lapses regarding what happened.

Maria does not feel intimidated and wants to transform all the pain, anguish, sadness and suffering that she has spent with her daughter into strength, claw and determination.

According to her, this comes from within her and knows that many mothers will go through and go through what she has been through, but these mothers do not have the necessary strength that Maria has to move forward and seek a suitable end to all the harm caused to her daughter and not only in the case of Maria, but also many other Marias in Brazil.

Maria’s fight helps other women and mothers not to go through what she have been through, and she still doesn’t know the conclusion of her struggle for justice.

It is not easy, but it is necessary to deal with such sad and heavy issues as sexual abuse and violence in general against the female sex; whether it be a child, young person, adolescent or adult, including online pedophilia.

Try to think and position yourself in the place of this mother and woman in all these 4 years what she have faced and still faces through this evil that haunts brazilian society and around the world.

We stand here in the crowd and expectation that many Marias may have the strength to fight as David defeated Goliath and that in the very near future we may return with the end of the story of Maria or other Marias and that it is different from everything we read and know about so many unsolved cases.

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